Senior EU Specialist in Public Affairs and project management with extensive experience on issues related to the environment and circular economy, ecological transition, animal welfare. She has worked for the European Parliament, European Commission, global NGOs and private companies working on chemicals, technological innovations in risk and hazard assessment, SDGs, global treaties on wildlife trade (CITES) and nature-based agreements, circular economy, forest conservation.  She is involved in EU-funded projects such as Horizon 2020, LIFE and Erasmus+. She coordinates and is involved in European decision-making processes and stakeholder platforms.

She holds specialisations in Management (Harvard Business School and LSE – UK), Environmental Decision Making (Open University UK), European and International Law (UNITAR-UN Training Centre) and Univ. La Sapienza, degree in Political Science.

She is co-Administrator  of Lumina Consult ( Rome, Brussels, registered office: Brussels, Belgium)

She is president of the non-profit association Green Impact

Languages: Italian, English, French