Our team

Alessandro Fazzi
Legal Consultant

Legal expert specialized in environmental and animal law. Since 2012 he has been working as consultant for animal welfare organisations, especially focusing on Court cases and European projects. Since 2018 he has been collaborating with environmental consultancies and Elected Members of the Italian Parliament on legislative dossiers about green economy, sustainability of public investments and animal protection and conservation.

Celia R. Guimaraes
Professional journalist

Professional journalist, author, trainer, tutor Specialized in technology and innovation, she has been collaborating since 2019 with the program Codice – La vita è digitale (RaiUno). She manages the Around Tech World column for StartupItalia and has previously worked as a correspondent for Rainews24 and Rainews.it. An event organizer, moderator, and speaker at tech conferences, as well as a TV guest, she conducts online training workshops for journalists and teaches Mobile Journalism, Fake News, and AI to second-year students at the Italian Digital Media Observatory and the School of Journalism in Perugia. She is a member of the jury for the Roberto Morrione Journalism Award.

Languages: Italian, Portuguese, and English